Lead Your Church Into a Hopeful Future
The Full Circle Church Assessment is designed to transform plateaued and declining churches into churches that are actively moving out of decline.
Imagine what it will be like for your church to
- understand their strengths and weaknesses,
- discern the Holy Spirit as a team,
- and get a custom 12 month step-by-step plan for moving out of decline and towards a more hopeful future.
Full Circle Assessments are for Churches That...
Want to Grow and Change
Your church is experiencing new growth, and you want to look ahead at how to make sure you are discerning God’s call afresh.
Struggle with Finances
Church finances are holding you back. We’ve found finances are rarely just about finances. You want to make sure everyone at your church feels called to join God’s mission.
Want a Hopeful Vision
When you’re putting out fires all the time, or held captive by “but it’s always been this way,” you need help discerning a pathway into a more hopeful future.
Need to Close
It’s become clear that your church needs to close, but your team isn’t all on the same page about how or whether to take steps forward.
Are Declining in Numbers
It’s clear your church is in decline, and you need to adapt to make sure you’re staying faithful with how things have changed.
Have Tired Leaders
The same few people keep doing all of the work. They’re tired, and they’re at the edge of burnout. You need a new pathway forward that includes new gifted leaders.
What's included in the assessment?
Church Health Report
In order to define reality for your church, your leadership needs clarity and language to talk about the health of your church. We facilitate a leadership-wide 7-point compiled report of your church health and help you process the results in community.
Two 3-Hour Gatherings
A certified Cyclical Full Circle Guide will meet with your team twice over the course of 2 months. We will spark missional imagination, explore core narratives, and discern together in order to help your team listen to God’s call and develop a clear pathway forward.
A Custom Strategic Plan
Having listened with your team, your guide will write a report of each of your gatherings as well as a detailed step-by-step plan for your church that you can use over the course of about 12 months to guide you away from decline.
What Happens at the Gatherings?
Based on what we know of your church from the quiz and other conversations, we will design a custom plan for your two three hour gatherings. In all the gatherings, we prioritize the spiritual development of your leaders. We engage scripture, turn to God in prayer, and facilitate exercises that engage the gifts and imaginations of all. For most churches, we are helping them discern a pathway forward and also processing any resistance that the team exhibits so that we can get everything on the table and commit to a pathway that the whole team feels great about.
Meeting 1
- Scripture Immersion Exercise 1
- Quiz Debrief with Guided Questions
- Engaging Exercise 1
- Exploring Pathways Forward
Meeting 2
- Scripture Immersion Exercise 2
- Engaging Exercise 2
- Discerning One Pathway Forward
- Making Commitments
How to Apply
Our Full Circle Church Assessment is a $3,250 investment in the future of your church. With hundreds of thousands of churches who need guidance out of decline, we are limited in our ability to serve everyone. In 2024, we are opening up spots for 20 churches to receive an assessment with a certified Full Circle Guide.
- Click the button below to apply for an assessment in 2024.
- Secure your dates with full payment in January 2024
- Begin the process of leading your church into a hopeful future
Leading plateaued and declining churches is challenging. You don’t have to do it alone. Full Circle is here to join you in discovering how to follow God out of decline and towards a hopeful future.